Team Geology

    Mines Paris - PSL geologists study both, past and present, to investigate the dynamics of continental and marine geological systems. Thus, our studies combine complementary spatial and  time scales.

    We follow an integrated approach including field data acquisition focussed on several areas of interest, analytical work in laboratory and conceptuel and analogical model achievements. Process-based numerical modelling is developped in collaboration with the other teams of the Center of Geosciences.

    Our team develops several research axes linked to the dynamics of continental systems. These axes are organized with respect to a "source to sink" and pluridisciplinary approach. Research projects focus societal questions of first interest: climate change, natural hazards, ressources, energy transition:

    • - Rock deformation and tectonics/sedimentation relationships
    • - Fluvial dynamics and reservoir architecture
    • - Paleo-climates and climate/sedimentation relationships
    • - Sediment budgets and associated pollution fluxes

    Our researchers are part of teaching programs at Mines Paris - PSL (UE 14 : "Terre et Société") as well as the M.Sc. of Geosciences - Earth system sciences et the B.Sc. of Sustainability Sciences  at PSL University .


    PhD and postdoctoral studies


    Nour DAABOUL – Traçage des particules fines aériennes par bio-collecteurs passifs : lien entre exposition environnementale urbaine et l’impact sur la santé humaine (projet « NanoTracs »). Description

    Gabriel  PORTZER – Quantification of cover erosion in the CSM storage center depending on the properties of the cover material and rainfall.  Description

    Morgan DELAPORTE – Étude des problématiques érosives en Territoire Hauts de France : Compréhension des mécanismes de mise en place des coulées boueuses et de leur rôle sur la qualité des cours d’eau. Description

    Diana CHOURIO CAMACHO – Dynamique d’érosion fini-quaternaire dans le Bassin parisien par restitution de la géométrie 3D du mur des alluvions de fond des vallées de la Seine. Description

    Loïc MARLOT – What climate variability to come? Teaching sedimentary archives of the Middle Eocene of the Paris Basin. Description


    Recent post-docs and PhDs

    Recent PhD defenses:

    Alexandre HAMON, 2022. Triggering mechanisms for the continental sedimentation in the Southwestern Alps at the Eocene-Oligocene limit.

    Léo SZEWCZYK, 2020.  Sedimentary fills of abandoned channels.

    Arezki CHABANI, 2019. Methodological analysis and  multiscale characterization of fracture systems at the contact between bedrock and sedimentary cover – application to geothermal exploitation (Valence Basin, SE France), Ph.D. thesis, PSL Research University, MINES ParisTech – Centre de Géosciences.

    Martin LEMAY, 2018. Transposition à l’environnement turbidique chenalisé d’un modèle de systèmes fluviatiles méandriformes pour la modélisation de réservoirs, Ph.D. thesis, PSL Research University, MINES ParisTech – Centre de Géosciences.

    Edouard PATAULT, 2018. Analyse multi-échelle des processus d’érosion hydrique et de transferts sédimentaires en territoire agricole : exemple du bassin versant de la Canche (France), joint Ph.D. thesis 2016, IMT Lille-Douai – Département Génie Civil et Environnemental, & MINES ParisTech – Centre de Géosciences.

    Recent Post-docs:

    Thomas GILLOT(2018-2020): Programme SediBric, valorisation de sédiments en briques et tuiles

    HAL Publications