Master Degree
The Center is involved in 3 Masters degree.
All our scientists provide lectures, tutoring and guidance for students following this cursus.
The content of courses is based on the center's scientific expertise. It is also in line with the needs of industrial environment.
For example, we manage minors on geosciences, underground uses, geostatistics in addition to courses on hydrogeology, natural resources and natural hazards.
This program includes field trips, technical visits and internships.
Master in earth and planetary science, environment - PSL university
This new master « Earth and planetary sciences, environment » from PSL University is the result of the collaboration between the École Normale Supérieure, Mines Paris, the Observatoire de Paris, the EPHE and the ESPCI Paris. It provides advanced training in the areas of earth sciences, meteorology, oceanography, climate sciences and the biogeosciences, as well as their applications in environmental sciences, on earth and in space.
The master is proposed by the research laboratories of the ENS and of the partner institutions, especially:
- Laboratory of Geology of the ENS
- Laboratory of Meteorology Dynamics
- Institute Pierre Simon Laplace
- Mines Paris Geosciences Center
- The Observatory of Paris
- The EPHE (Practical School of Advanced Studies) (UMR METIS, UMR EPOC and UMR LETG)
- The ESPCI (Paris Higher School of Industrial Physics and Chemistry).
The teachings are based on research conducted in these laboratories and draw on the expertise of many of their scientists.
Master Recherche Sciences de l'Univers, Environnement, Écologie (SDUEE)
PhD programs
Doctorat of PSL university at MINES Paris
We offer PhD programs in two Doctoral Schools:
Doctoral School of Geoscience, Natural Resources and Environment aims to offer training, in and through research, to candidates wishing to acquire skills in the field of geoscience, combining fundamental aspects and their applications for the development, use and protection of natural resources.
It relies on a group of high-level research laboratories, associated with higher education institutions affiliated with universities and engineering schools and EPST (Public Scientific and Technical Research establishments) in the field, and works in close collaboration with certain EPICs (state-owned industrial and commercial establishments) and companies that could potentially hire its PhD graduates in the future.
Main areas of research:
- Hydroscience, the environment and water resources
- Sedimentary basins and energy resources
- Dynamics of the lithosphere
- Mineralogy, geomaterials, petrology and geochemistry
- Geophysics
- Geotechnics
- Geostatistics
Prof Laurent DE WINDT is in charge of the speciality in Geoscience and geo-engineering.
Doctoral school ISMME (Ingénierie des Systèmes, Matériaux, Mécanique, Énergétique) is the engineering part of PSL’s DS. It brings together students preparing their thesis at Mines Paris or Chimie ParisTech within internationally recognized research units. They conduct oriented research, developing new knowledge for the benefit of society. In close relation with the socio-economic world, their doctoral training constitutes a real professional experience. Speciality in Geostatistics and applied probability is attached to ISMME and Thomas Romary is in charge of it.
The list of the subjects we propose this year is on the page devoted to "job offers".
Post Master Degree
The Mines & Society Network of Excellence has become a Research and Training Chair Mineral Industry & Territorial dynamics. The Chair offers degree courses, vocational training and posts masters degree including the Post master degree mineral resources industry & society (MIRIS).
Application form for Miris Post master.
Academic and vocational Training
Several short modules are planned with different thematics :
Geostatistics - Mining CFSG | |
Geostatistics - Automnales (in French) | |
Hydrochemistry and impacts on environment | |
Geotechnic - next session in June 2024 (in French) |