
    Research topics :

    The team has very diverse activities in probability and statistics, traditionally centered on the development of geostatistical methods for many fields of application, and not exclusively in Geosciences.

    Team Leader: Nicolas DESASSIS
    Administrative Assistant : Sylvie BOJ
    Researchers: Emilie CHAUTRUFabien ORSDidier RENARDThomas ROMARYMike PEREIRAGabriel VICTORINO CARDOSO
    Voluntary Collaborators: Christian LANTUEJOULJacques RIVOIRARDHans WACKERNAGELXavier FREULONChantal de FOUQUET

    More info on the Geostatistics team:
    Staff members
    Our publications
    PHD Positions

    Team presentation

    Geostatistics was founded by Professor Georges Matheron initially to address the estimation issue in mining deposits (see the History of Geostatistics).

    Geostatistical methods allow processing spatial data and constitute a part of spatial statistics. They make it possible to represent various phenomena in space and/or time (mapping by kriging, filtering by kriging analysis, conditional simulations, data assimilation) : topography, geological layers, concentration in chemical elements in a mineral deposit or in a polluted site, spatial distribution of geological facies in an oil reservoir, water or air quality, exposure to noise, distribution of fish density, climatological variables, epidemiology factors ... A large number of our publications, book chapters, courses or presentations are available in our online library.

    In recent years, new methodologies have completely modified traditional techniques of geostatistics, such as Stochastic Partial Derivative Equations (SPDE), spatio-temporal processes, machine learning, model inferences, ...

    The Geostatistical Team is involved in a large choice of trainings (initial training, continuing education and doctoral degrees).

    It also organizes every two years 'Les Journées de Géostatistique' where a series of presentations on the latest developments in any field of application are presented during 2 days at Fontainebleau.

    Main projects

    Since its creation, the geostatistical team has contributed to the realization of many projects, either methodological or in applied domains. Many software programs have been created at the Geosciences center.

    gstlearngstlearn : The new C++ Library, Python and R packages for Geostatistics
    Geolearning ChairGeolearning is a chair jointly organized with BioSP research unit of MathNum departement at INRAE. Its main goal is to develop methods in geostatistics, extreme event theory and machine learning for data analysis in the service of climate transition.
    FlumyFLUMY aims at modelizing channelized meandering systems at reservoir scale using the genetic and stochastic approach. These global models simulate deposits associated with meanders and generate 3D blocks conditioned by data. (Platform description sheet)
    Kri-TerresThe project Kri-Terres (ANR) aims to improve the management of contaminated land by combining kriging and reactive transport simulations. (video of the presentation).
    RGeostatsRGeostats : The most complete geostatistical package under R platform

    Application domains

    Initially developped for the mining field, geostatistics is now a discipline used in the analysis and management of mineral or renewable resources, environment, climatology, meteorology, ecology but also finance, advanced technologies or even health.

    "DykeMining : estimation of in situ resources, forecast of recoverable reserves above cutoffs, classification of resources, uncertainties on domain limits, taking into account extreme values of grades, impact of spatial sampling on characterization of deposits, uncertainties on reserves

    Modelling the Dyke of the El Teniente mine (Chile)

    Example of a reseroir simulated using FlumyOil Industry : modelling the geometry, reservoir characterization, reservoir engineering, seismic.

    Example of a reservoir simulate using Flumy

    Geological layer cake 

    Geological layer cakes

    Fisheries : fish density, species migration

    Sardine population in the Bay of Biscay

    Sardine population in the Bay of Biscay

    42/5000Tayma's hierarchical fracture model Fractured media : blocometry, determination of percolation thresholds, calculation of equivalent permeability

    Tayma's hierarchical fracture model

    Fractured carbonate reservoir→

    Fractured carbonate reservoir

    Optimal phytoplankton growth temperatureEnvironment : air quality, pollution maps (bottom or proximity), rivers and aquifers (concentrations of pollutants along rivers), soils and sediments, climatology, CO2 concentration

    Optimal phytoplankton growth temperature

    Simulation of the extension of a tritium plume

    Simulation of the extension of a tritium plume

    Oceanography : seabed mapping, temperature or salinity maps, ice thickness

    Temperature mapping at 25m depth off the coast of Norway

    Temperature measurements in the Barrent SeaEstimated temperature off the coast of Norway in spring 2008 at 25m depth

    Map of exposure to radio waves in a district of GrenobleHealth : epidemiology, industrial hygiene, exposure to radio waves

    Map of exposure to radio waves in a district of Grenoble

    1988/1989 flu epidemic in France

    1988/1989 flu epidemic in France

    and also :
    - Hydrogeology and Geotechnics,
    - Agronomy,
    - Demographic modeling,
    - Modeling and evaluation of the performance of a distribution network,
    - Insurance risk assessment

    PhD and postdoctoral studies


    Quantification of devastating climate events under climate change through novel multivariate bias correction methods. Grégoire Jacquemin

    Caractérisation radiologique de sites contaminés à partir de reconnaissances à différentes échelles. Meryem MEZIANE

    Détection du comportement des outils de forage par Machine Learning : application à la détection d’évènements et à l’optimisation des performances. Hana YAHIA

    Domain modeling using artificial intelligence guided by geological constraints. Charlie GARAYT

    High Frequency Data Assimilation in Prose-PA water quality model. Masihullah HASANYAR

    Contribution of geostatistics in forensic science to the identification of the origin of traces of soil. Amélie DEVRESSE

    Defended in 2019-2024

    Urban Mining and WEEE sampling. Alexis BARTHET

    Development of geostatistical spatio-temporal methods of simulations using generative models of deep learning. Ferdinand BHASVAR

    Modelling Insurable Values. Luc RONGIERAS

    Spatio-temporal prediction by stochastic partial differential equations. Lucia CLAROTTO

    Geostatistical modelling of geotechnical variables. Katherine SANCHEZ

    Conditional simulation of process-based reservoir models by sequential Monte Carlo techniques (SMC). Alan TRONCOSO MORALES

    Machine learning for the quality control of seismic data. Mathieu CHAMBEFORT

    On the conditioning of process-based channelized meandering reservoir models on well data. Anna BUBNOVA

    Uncertainty quantification in an uranium ore deposit exploitation by In Situ Recovery. Jean LANGANAY

    Accounting for variable anisotropy in 3D geological modeling with the implicit potential-field method : application to folded structures Laure PIZZELLA

    Combining geostatistics and physically-based simulations – application to the characterization of contaminant plumes Léa PANNECOUCKE

    Spatial extremes with a single realization: a geostatistical point of view. Marine DEMANGEOT

    Generalized random fields on Riemannian manifolds : theory and practice: théorie et pratique. Mike PEREIRA

    Constitution of local geochemical references for urban soils and subsoils : from database to geostatistical interpretation. Baptiste SAUVAGET

    HAL Publications